Our Story

iπ (ai~Pie) started in September of 2022 as an at home bakery supplying classic American and European baked pies, both savory and sweet, to our friends, family and neighbors. The Idea grew as more and more pies were made and after a busy 4 months of baking, we decided to expand our business to the New Ocean City neighborhood in Tamsui, Taiwan. After nearly another 4 months of planning and renovation, our store opened in June of 2023, finally bringing our vision of building a professional Western style bakery to fruition.

iπ (愛派) 創立於2022年的九月,最初是一個家庭式的工作坊,專門製作香甜可口的美式及歐式的派,主要服務的對象是周遭的親朋好友及家人,在長達四個月的家庭式烘焙作業當中,想要創立一個烘焙坊的念頭逐漸萌芽,最終我們決定在淡水新市鎮的海洋都心設立一個工作坊來服務大眾,經過四個月的設計、繪圖、施工及準備後,我們在2023年的六月初開業,整個烘焙坊的設計及安排完全符合專業烘焙的水準。

Ivan Liu, our chef and crafter of fine desserts, has been on a journey of both culinary and self discovery since a young age. He draws inspiration from multiple cuisines from All Over the World to bring forth our menu items. He has refined each item through the techniques he’s gained from his culinary education at Le Cordon Bleu and work experience in the United States and Abroad. The culmination can be seen and tasted in each of our carefully crafted items.


Please come and visit us!


The Making of Our Signature Apple Pie.